Printed landscape
Colin Sackett
ISBN 978 1 910010 19 8
112pp, 234 x 142
paperback with flaps
2019, £12.00
UK £2.00
Europe £5.25
World £8.00
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Reviews and articles
“Many of Sackett’s interests might be thought of as The Beauty of the Limitations of Humans Describing the Land
In Print.”
Justin Hopper, ‘Printed Landscape’, The Old Weird Albion
“Printed landscape is a timely reminder that landscapes are not always comprehensible or beautiful; rather, they can be prickly, impenetrable and wilfully obscure. The same goes for their textual representations.”
Alex Diggins, ‘Location, Location’, in The Times Literary Supplement
“For once in my life I am not being pejorative when I say that Sackett approaches the subject as a Geography teacher might, with photographs that are more interested in objective recording of geographic ‘fact’ rather than subjective visual pleasure.”
Alistair Fitchett, ‘Tracing the Infinite’, Caught by the River
and also see:
‘The Balance In the Countryside (or, tangential thoughts on the works of Colin Sackett and James Brooks)’, Unpopular

Printed landscape has been selected from a miscellany of work published since the early 1990s, reformatted and arranged alphabetically. The subjects are commonly about geography, its interpretation and abstraction on the printed page. The locations are often places of familiarity and association, from across southern England, while the book has to do with making connections between its modalities. As with places, or types of places—its subject as such—the reading is intendedly multi-directional.
Illustrated in black and white throughout.
Advance Information

Born in suburban south London in 1958, Colin Sackett has been making and publishing books since the late 1970s, working with Coracle Press during the 1980s, and subsequently as a book designer collaborating with many artists and writers. During this time, his own work has been an investigation of editing and content, the licence to take broad issue and to play with form and structure. He started the ‘terraced publishing house’ Uniformbooks in 2011.